1642 VLZ Pro
Marshall Guitar Amp
Ovation Legend 12 String Guitar
Shure KSM44
Yamaha Maple Custom Bass Drum
Fender Stratocaster
Neumann U-67Shure Beta 58A

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Blue Planet Media
offers a full spectrum of professional music and sound services. Our ProTools24-based digital recording studio is equipped with top-end instruments, microphones, preamps and processors, and has seen work ranging from voiceovers to all-out record production in every imaginable music style - from rock and folk to world and gospel.

music and sound

· Record Production
· Mixing, Editing, Mastering
· Music Composition
· Songwriting
· Voiceovers
· Sound Design
· Audio for Multimedia
· Digital Audio Streaming
· Digital Audio Compression
· Consultation & more...

Our small but versatile staff bridges the gap between the creative and the technical, and is well-versed in all phases of audio production, from conception to performance to engineering and production. Please contact us for more info, or to discuss the specific needs of your project.

Blue Planet Media 
P.O. Box 45
Vienna, VA 22183
phone: 703.624.6262
fax: 703.319.2217 

About the Studio...

Recording Gear:
We use a state-of-the-art Digidesign ProTools24/Mix Plus system - with a broad array of DigiRack and Focusrite Plug-ins - for all recording, editing, mixing and mastering projects. This 24-bit digital system is complemented by an analog front-end, including tube & solid state preamps, compressors & processors by Joemeek, dbx, & HHB. For monitoring, we switch between industry-standard Yamaha NS10's & Electo-Voice Sentry 500's.

Instruments & Amplifiers:
You'll find nothing but great musical instruments at

Blue Planet Media
We're especially pleased to have a top-of-the-line
Yamaha Maple Custom drum kit and a Yamaha Conservatory Baby Grand Piano in-house.
You'll also find an assortment of Fender Stratocaster & Telecaster Guitars
and Takamine Acoustic & Classical Guitars, as well as tube and solid state amplifiers by Fender & Marshall.

Studio Microphones:
We've got
a variety of high-end and vintage studio condenser and dynamic microphones - some of which are pictured, at left - by Neumann, Shure, Electro-Voice, AKG & more.


BPM is powered by a vintage Turmix espresso maker & the ol' faithful Krups 12-cup, and serves only the best beans.

film and digital photography
recording studio, pro audio, music composition, sound design

web design and  hosting, new media production

© 1997-2008 Blue Planet Media, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.